May 08, 2013 El Dorado, more pirates than you can shake a Silver Toothpick at, and tons of Incan gold await. Whether you need help tracking down every last treasure or wonder which ledge to leap to next, this is your guide. Enjoy Uncharted Drake’s Fortune + Uncharted 2 🙂. – Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac): Download Here Uncharted 2 Among Thieves Game of the Year Edition is the story of Nathan Drake, a fortune-hunter with a shady reputation and an even shadier past who is lured back into the treacherous world of thieves and mercenary treasure-seekers.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PC Third-Person Action-Adventure Video Game Developed By Naughty Dog And Published By Sony Computer Entertainment For The Playstation 3. First Announced On December 1, 2008, And Released In October 2009, It Is The Second Game In The Uncharted Series.
Uncharted 2 Takes Place Two Years After Drake’S Fortune And Follows Protagonist Nathan Drake’S Attempt To Unravel A Mystery Surrounding Venitian Explorer Marco Polo And His Undocumented Voyage From China. This Trial Leads Him, Chloe Frazer And Old Friends Elena Fisher And Victor Sullivan Into. Uncharted 2 Received Universal Acclaim For Its Elaborate Set Pieces, Character Design, Storytelling, Graphics, Technical Innovation, And Gameplay Mechanics. It Was Named By Metacritic As The Most Critically Acclaimed Game Of 2009, And Received Game Of The Year Accolades From Numerous. Uncharted 2 Is An Action-Adventure Platform Video Game Played From A Third-Person View, With The Player In Control Of Nathan Drake.
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