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> > C1201 Toyota C1201 Toyota Trouble Code Repair Diagnose and fix a C1201 Toyota trouble code A C1201 Toyota trouble code can be very difficult to diagnose and fix because it’s such a general trouble code C1201 Engine Control Malfunction If you didn’t know where to start, you’d assume you’ve got an engine computer/sensor issue and that can have you chasing down a rabbit hole. But there is a hint here of where to start. When you look up C1201 in a professional shop manual, the code is listed in the Vehicle Stability Control section of the manual. It has something to do with the stability control system. How Toyota vehicle stability control works The Toyota stability control system gets inputs from the yaw sensor, deceleration sensor and the ABS system.
The ABS system gets its inputs from the wheel speed sensors. Wheel speed sensors have a pretty high failure rate, but when they fail, they usually set an ABS-related trouble code. So don’t go chasing wheel speed sensor issues if all you get is a C1201 code. If the Toyota vehicle stability control system senses a wheel lock, a deceleration sensor or yaw sensor signal that indicates the vehicle is encountering a skid, swerve or is somehow going out of control, it operates the ABS brakes and reduces engine power to try and bring it back under control. Great, how does that relate to a C1271? Common cause of a C1201 Toyota trouble code If you perform any work on the steering, suspension or sensors, you can inadvertently set a C1201 Toyota trouble code.

In order for the stability control system to work properly, it must know what the yaw and deceleration sensors report when the vehicle is stopped on a level surface. That’s referred to as a calibration procedure or zero point calibration. The calibration can be performed with or without a scan tool. Perform a zero point calibration on Toyota to correct C1201 trouble code Park the vehicle on a level surface with no more than a 1° inclination. During the zero point procedure, do not vibrate the vehicle by tilting, moving or shaking it. Do not start the engine during the zero point calibration procedure. Clear the zero point calibration data 1.
Turn the ignition switch to ON. The warning lights and indicator lights will come on for 3 seconds to indicate that the initial check is completed. Using a jumper, connect and then disconnect terminals 12 (TS) and 4 (CG) at the data link connector 4 times or more within 8 seconds. Eautorepair.net AllDataDIY.com Get the BEST auto repair information and are the two best shop manuals—period!
Unlike the cheaper Haynes and Chilton manuals that cover multiple year models, leaving the exact information you need to fix your car, these professional manuals cover your exact year, make, model. A subscription includes up-to-date the manufacturer’s technical service bulletins, step-by-step removal and installation instructions, illustrations, wiring diagrams, component locations, torque specifications, fluid types and capacities and maintenance schedules. Plus, they contain full trouble code descriptions and troubleshooting instructions.
Pricing: ---Eautorepair.net--- 1 month subscription $19.95 per vehicle 1-year subscription $29.95 per vehicle 4-year subscription $44.95 per vehicle ---Alldatadiy.com--- 1-year $29.95 subscription: additional vehicles $19/95 each 5-year $49.95 subscription: additional vehicles $34.95 each Which one should YOU choose? If you’re tracking down a wiring issue, is the better choice. Eautorepair.net redraws factory wiring diagrams in color and includes the component, splice and ground locations right in their diagrams. That saves a lot of time because you don’t have to refer back to the component locator or circuit locations. Alldatadiy.com, on the other hand, uses the factory diagrams.
So you have to refer to the factory legends to learn the identification symbols and then refer back to circuit diagrams to find the splice and ground locations. However, also includes disassembly instructions for interior trim panels and exterior items like headlights and tail lights. If you need to dig into your doors, dash or console, Alldatadiy.com is the better choice because Eautorepair.net doesn’t any interior or exterior trim or body part removal.