Itak, zakonchiv rabochuyu nedelyu, my sobralis v put. Dobiralis poezdom. Kto-to, razmestivshis v vagone srazu zhe uvalilsya spat na verhnyuyu polku, a kto-to provel ves dorogu do Lvova za priyatnoy besedoy, vremenami podshuchivaya nad burchaschim provodnikom. Alasder Grej. Bednye-neschastnye----- OCR: Phiper ----- Moej zhene Morag.
[TOOL] Updated! 29/12/14 - EFS Professional v2.1.80B - Also for NON-Samsung devices!
※ Download: Intended for US device variants only. Added: New ADB Communication Framework to handle communication between ' adb. Added Device Filter for Motorola Moto G - XT1032 - EMEA device variant. Changed: All partitions are now selected by default when performing a backup or restore operation.
Now, as mentioned above, for being able to the EFS from any Samsung device, you will have to download, install and use a dedicated app, which is named simply, EFS Pro. Moved the Extract Device PIT option on Backup tab to Other Tools under Samsung tab. [TOOL] Updated! 29/12/14 - EFS Professional v2.1.80B - Also for NON-Samsung devices! - Files are in a new binary format so the old '.
Advanced backup and restore of your device's sensitive partition and NV data! Quote: Download Link: Please see bottom of this post.
Important Note: Please make sure any background applications such as Droid Explorer that use an adb server are terminated before using EFS Professional to avoid any issues. Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented files in backup archives located on the device from enumerating.
Renamed Qualcomm tab to Samsung Tools tab to create a central location for Samsung specific tools and utilities. Moved the Format EFS Folder option on Restore tab to Other Tools under Samsung tab. Moved the Extract Device PIT option on Backup tab to Other Tools under Samsung tab.
Added support for resetting Battery Cable, SPen and Earphone Jack counters to Other Tools under Samsung tab. Updated Device Tools and changed name to Phone Service Apps. Added ability to launch Preconfg service app on Samsung devices to allow changing of CSC.
Added ability to launch Factory Mode Dialer app on Samsung tablets. Added Device Filter for Motorola Moto G - XT1032 - EMEA device variant.
Custom NV Item Range option in Qualcomm NV Tools now allows to auto populate from 'CustomNVItemList. Fixed all issues preventing backup and restore on cyanogenmod and AOKP based ROMS. Cleaned up code in several places and improved string handling to prevent errors. Added ability to backup custom NV item range based on a user defined list. Fixed an issue that caused backup and restore to fail on certain device configurations. Differential and integral calculus 6th edition by love and rainville pdf download.
Fixed some coding errors in a few places. Updated PIT Magic to reflect newly identified parameters and fixed many bugs. Fixed an issue that could cause backed up partition image files to be overwritten during a backup caused by multiple Flash FileName entries defined in some PIT files having a '-' dash as the file name. These files will now be treated like partitions that have no Flash FileName defined. Added an Extract PIT button to the backup tab so users can get their pit file independently. Fixed a display bug in the UI on start up. Improved file handling further by adding quotes to long filenames in complex commands.