The Soviet/Russian and the East German are C&R. Its on the C&R List under Makarov There is no such thing as a polish Makarov. A 9x18 variant is made in the Radom Arsenal in Poland but it is not a Makarov.
The Makarov pistol or PM is a Russian semi-automatic pistol. Under the project leadership of. During the 1990s, Baikal marketed various Makarov-derived handguns in the United States under the IJ-70 model. Included were. Detent holes.). Special training cutaways with serial number prefix 'SM' were also produced. Nov 3, 2016 - Imez Baikal Model IJ-70 Makarov Semi-Automatic Pistol with Matching Box. Serial number obfuscated.
THe Russian Commercial is on the Roster under IMEZ.I have the IJ70-18AH which is the Hi Cap. The mags carry 10 or 11 rounds. Its a nice shooter!! The Bulgarian is under Arsenal which as to be marked 'Arsenal'. This is hte commercially marketed Bulgarian. The Bulgarian Military is easy to spot because it has the Circle 10 mark on the frame.
After the circle 10 is the Serial letters, 2 numbers which is hte date code and 4 digit numbers which is hte gun. Its my understanding that you can not get the Date code '25' or higher unless its Arsenal Marked becuase it was made 1985 or after. If its 24 or less it grandfathered from the Roster the one pictured is #23 which means it was made in 1983. All IJ70 models are listed there under 'Manufacturer' named 'Baikal or IMEZ' in the MD roster. A bit tricky to find. Russian and German Makarov are C&R, according to FAQ at Makarov.com Bulgarian Makarov is not C&R though all of its parts are the same as in original Russian and German Makarovs. The Bulgarian is in MD roster under 'manufacturer' 'Arsenal (Bulgaria)' Hungarian FEG PA-63 is also in the roster, under 'F.E.G.'
Czechoslovakian CZ82 is C&R for a long time. Polish P64 became C&R this year The last three are not original Makarovs. They just shoot 9x18 Makarov caliber round. Baikal is a U.S. Owner of the trademark is RAZNOEXPORT, which does not have the 'Baikal' in its name.
Russian firearms produced by Izhevsky Mechanichesky Zavod and well known throughout the world under the trade mark Baikal. The record in MD roster, which names 'Baikal' as manufacturer or importer, is misleading. OK.i was misinformed on another websight. I think it was Gunboards forum?
Thanks for clearing that up. If the gun was made before 1/1/1985, then the roster means nothing.
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I am not in the C&R game, so I don't know those rules. Some European gun makers marked the month/year of manufacture on the frame. CZ acknowledged this, not sure of other makers. The handgun roster means nothing anyway.
It does not prohibit the possession of firearms not on the roster, so in my mind it's a paper tiger at best. Anyone can build any handgun they might wish to have, they may be prohibited from selling it, but there is nothing in the law that prohibits the transfer of a frame or receiver for a modern handgun AFAIK. You cannot transfer it after you build it, but who cares.
Thanks Guy's! Great info fivepointstar! I will see how much I can learn about this pistol before I buy it.;) No worries.if you have one in mind LMK if you any questions. IMO for the price, quality and finish the Bulgarian Military (Circle 10) is your BEST bet. I think J&G Sales has them @ $230. The worse finishes are the Baikal/IMEZ ones.they are a flat black but still good shooters. Yes.the -17 is 9x17 mm and -18 is 9x18mm.