This service manual describes the construction. The VP44 fuel injection pump, however, accurately controls. Bosch Automotive Systems Corporation.
This manual describes the procedures for disassembing, reassembling the ECD-V5 and -V5P Fuel Injection pump. The procedur es given in this manual are based on the pump with part num- ber 096500-501#. Because the service data and components may differ for pumps with other part numbers, refer to the adjustment standard table or the parts list for the respective part num- ber. Please read the contents thoroughly and apply them in your service and maintenance work. To ensure a safe operation, this manual indicates the particulars that must be adhered to in the following manner. WARNING • Be careful with any fuel or oil l eaks as they could cause a fire. • Be careful with hot fuel as it could cause burns.
NOTE • Even the slightest amount of debris (such as burrs or chips) entering the pump could cause the pump to malfunction. Therefore, keep the tools and parts trays thorouhly clean, and in particular, do not touch the cleaned parts if your hands are dirty. • Wash in clean diesel fuel tools that will be used for disassembling parts around the distributor head, and store them in the acrylic case (STT). • Make sure to firmly close the cover of the acrylic case (STT) after removing or replac- ing tools or parts. • Make sure to wash in diesel fuel the distributor head, spill valve, head plug, and filter. • Wash your hands thoroughly before disassembling or reassembling the parts around the dis-tributor head. • Carefully disassemble or reassemble the parts around the distributor head without creating burrs or chips.
• Keep the clean diesel fuel covered when it is not used for washing. • Wash your hands each time they get dirty.