Welcome to the MAME Single Download Mega Rom Packs section. In here you will find complete collections of rom sets, sometimes also with an automatic easy install and related emulator. These packs make downloading all your favourite games exceptionaly easy and hassle free. Single Download Mega Rom Packs are only available to Unlimited members.
Most of the games the average person cares about have been working in MAME for years, so while this collection is a few versions behind it shouldn't matter to most. As for Gandalf_007's complaint about lack of parity files, torrents are all checksummed. Tell your torrent client to recheck it. Even if you downloaded the big file over straight HTTP the torrent will happily check the file and fix any broken chunks. If it still doesn't extract when the torrent says it's good, something's wrong with your computer. This HUGE file (almost 43 Gigabytes) does not have any parity files with it so there is no way to repair it if there are errors.
I Downloaded the entire file and it won't even open due to some kind of error. I work with Rar and zip files all the time so I'm not a newbie. I only get so many DL bytes per month from my ISP and 43GB takes a huge chunk. Is there any way I can get some kind of repair files for this? Ibsurgeon first aid crack. In future, I would recommend making several smaller files instead of one huge file. Oh, and those who whine about copyrights on these old games, only 1 in several hundred is worth a quarter.
It's clear these games were designed to give the average gamer about 1 minute or less of play time per quarter. What a ripoff. Barely acceptable when free!
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Thank you for hosting this here; this is something worth archiving for prosperity and despite the aforementioned legal zeal in the comments, this certainly should fall under fare use as governed by my scrupples. We all spend $$$ on games and software which is rendered useless in the wake of the obsoletion of our hardware/software.
We are all doggy locked (vendor lock in) and find ourselves buying the same old classics for each new system, where they rehash them using emulators. Multiple streams of income off the same game, X years later from the same damn consumer. My sympathies are not with content holders who have already made a packet off of their products and expect the gravy train to be never ending. F@#$ em if they can't take a joke. While I appreciate the noble intent of the uploader, 'historical value' (fair use) is probably not going to cut it here. Many of these games have trademarked characters that live on in modern incarnations; some of them are still being sold by their owners, wrapped in proprietary emulators; and many of these ROMs are 'bootlegs' and circumvent encryption and copy protection in direct violation of the DMCA.
Further, many of these games are still in operation, in arcades, bus stations and amusement parks around the world. Downloaders need to be aware that they may be committing a crime in their jurisdiction if they download and / or redistribute these files, display the games in a public setting, use any trademarked assets (such as sprites) contained therein without explicit permission from the manufacturer, or even just play the game. To be completely safe, YOU MUST OWN AN ORIGINAL ROMSET of a game in order to use the copy of it contained within this archive FOR ANY PURPOSE, including personal amusement. Of course, should IA release a formal statement clarifying legal advice they have received stating downloaders of this file are somehow exempt from copyright and trademark law, and in what capacity, the situation may change, but at this time, any downloader's legal position is questionable, and you have been warned.
'I downloaded it from the Internet Archive, so that makes it okay,' may not be a defensible position in a court of law. Sorry to be a party-pooper, but it would suck even worse if an innocent downloader were to face legal penalties because they had the wrong impression. The vast majority of these ROMs are NOT free, neither in speech nor in beer.