NOTE: Microsoft Product Support Services does not support the installation or usage of the TweakUI program. Installing TweakUI To install TweakUI in Windows 98: Insert the Windows 98 CD-ROM (not the Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM) into the CD-ROM drive. The installation of a Microsoft 64-bit Windows Operating System (OS) onto Lenovo Thinkpads with UEFI BIOS capability is very similar to a 32-bit install. The main difference is the BIOS configuration and HDD configuration prior to actual OS install.
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What I have tried: booting Windows ME installation media. Apparently whichever channel of disc (OEM I assume) I have doesn't support installing on anything other than an empty disk.
Samson sound deck for mac x. My Question: Which version of Windows 9x works best for dual booting with MS-DOS and Windows 3.11? What partition layout would be best for this setup (single partition 2GB fat16 or an additional 8GB fat32 partition, etc)?