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Quelle Versandzentrum in Nuremberg • in (1928-1930) • in Jena (1929-1930) • Own house and studio in Weimar-Gelmeroda (1929) • Bauordnungslehre Volk und reich verlag, Berlin (1943) •, (1952-1955) • Quelle-Versandzentrum in (1954-1967) Literature [ ] • Neufert, Ernst; Neufert, Peter; Baiche, Bousmaha; Walliman, Nicholas (2002). Architects' Data (3rd ed.). • Prigge, Walter, ed. Ernst Neufert. Normierte Baukultur im 20. Edition Bauhaus Dessau.
Aug 27, 2015 - From A4 paper to the Octametric brick: Ernst Neufert and the. Countries, from Poland to Germany, from France to the Netherlands, from.
Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.