Do note that this game also contains furry features, I simply have no choice since the furry growth audience surpasses the regular one and I personally do not discriminate, muscle is muscle to me and that's really all that matters. You do not have to test this game if you do not like furry characters (there are/will be humans too!), but I'd greatly appreciate it if my inbox could be spared any hate mail. To assist in the testing process, the cheating system (Strange Artefact) is still present in game for debugging purposes. Feel free to leave any feedback, comments, or suggestions!
That is all, Waffle out. What are the limits to the game?
I know there is stuff unfinished but since it's still in test mode. I wonder, if I use the data tablet, when is it futile to use it on each item? I was trying to see what combination of things I needed to enter the Embassy to Hell and I kept getting turned away. I had added enough muscle, cock, hair and whatnot to turn my character into a 20ft immobile giant mountain of muscle, cock, and balls. Even the gatekeeper was looking up.
Take supplements and protein shakes to fuel your muscle growth and tan yourself to. To play ultimate douchebag workout follow the in game exercise manual. MagnusMagneto Female Muscle Growth Stories MagnusMagneto Female Muscle Growth Stories Navigation. Female Muscle Story Previews; Free Female Muscle Stories.
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I was going to see if I can test that area. I also wish to suggest that there was something that could tell out how muscular you are in numbers, get some dimensions like arms and etc like you do with cock, balls and height. The Casino seems to work okay, the odds are not good but then again neither is gambling.
It's an awesome game. Keep working on it.
Why Early Access? “This game is going to be huge. A potential hit. And we want to make the project to be available as soon as possible without players waiting for all features to be implemented in order to start gaining the audience & securing a place in the niche” Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access? “3-12 months” How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
“Final product will have a complex muscle development system, with a lot of characters and immersive animations” What is the current state of the Early Access version? “-Excersises with dumbbells -Sit ups -Push ups -Run on thread mill -Kick the boxing bag -Dialogues -NPCs treat you differently as per how rigged you are -Get laid” Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access? “10 times more expensive” How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process? “You are free to suggest what would you like to see in the game”. About This Game Gym Simulator RPGThe first ever Gym Simulator Extremely realistic FIRST PERSON GYM RPG, immersive first person gym interactions and real-time muscle growth.
Features: Gameplay: -REAL TIME MUSCLE GROWTH. Watch your body transform as you train Talk with hot chicks and try to get laid -Excersises with dumbbells -Sit ups -Push ups -Run on thread mill -Kick the boxing bag -Dialogues -NPCs treat you differently as per how rigged you are -Great Stylized graphics This is a superior project that starts off in Early Access having an impressive gameplay abilities base.