Jun 30, 2017 - A.N. Baranov (2007) proposes that the evaluation of the abusiveness. Lingvisticheskaya ekspertiza teksta [Linguistic examination of a text].
Problems of the speech conflict as one of forms of social communication are considered in the article. On the basis of linguistic research of conversations record the most typical communicative situations, connected with the speech conflicts, are established. The linguistic-pragmatic characteristic of the communicative tactics, used by conflicting parties for realization of their intentions and upholding of their positions, is given. The social and legal assessment of the communicative conflict is given on the material of the text linguistic examination.
Abstract.In the article by the example of Ordzhonikidze the situation with food supply of the residents of the Soviet peripheral towns in the late 1940s–1960s is analyzed. The problem of providing food to the population of small towns for many years had been unresolved. This had a negative impact on the emotional and psychological climate of Soviet society, the mood of ordinary people, served as a source to social apathy and thereby led to the decline of existing political system Keywordseveryday life, the Soviet peripheral city, food supply, food shortage, the bread, Ordzhonikidze town. REFERENCES 1. Memories Gabeeva R. (1940), written by the author in 2016.
Ordzhonikidze town – 200 years. Collection of documents and materials. – Ordzhonikidze: Ir, 1985. Kak sdelatj stoyachij vorotnik snezhnoj korolevi. The State archive of Modern History of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. (Unpublished) 4.
The agricultural policy of Khrushchev N.S. And the agriculture // Proceedings of the Institute of Russian History.
In 1997–1998. 2 / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian History; holes. – M.: the IRH RAS, 2000, pp. History of Vladikavkaz. Collection of documents and materials. Vladikavkaz: University of North Ossetia, North Ossetia combined museum of history, architecture and literature, 1991. North Ossetia for 60 years.
Ordzhonikidze: Er, 1977, 143 p. Socialist Ossetia, 1960. Socialist Ossetia, 1958. February 28th. Socialist Ossetia, 1960. Tsorieva I.T. Problem of Food Supply of Urban Population in the 1950s–1960s (by the Example of Ordzhonikidze Town) // Almanac of Modern Science and Education, 2015.
№ 12 (102), pp. Chibirov L.A. A worthy successor of glorious traditions of the Ossetian literature (To the 80-th anniversary of M.
The historical periods of potato=growing development are given. The services of outstanding scientists in the field of crop cultivating technology in the North Caucasus and in particular in North Ossetia are shown. The first steps of potatoes introduction in number of countries including Russia are described. Everywhere potatoes spread in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Teamviewer windows 2000 free download. Dozens of new cultivars appeared during this period.
Scientists achievements in working out potatoes cultivating technology are shown. In 1912 the agricultural department for Cossack training was opened in Vladikavkaz.
In 1920s appeared North-Ossetian selection-experimental station for producing new cultivars of potatoes. New scientific directions of potato crops are listed. Keywordsdevelopment, introduction, achievements, coryphaei of science, potato cultivars. REFERENCES 1. Effect of temporal anaerobiosis on the potatoes growth and development // Proceedings of Gorsky Agricultural Institute. 4 (12), 1941/ - Ordzhonikidze.
Rakitin, N.N. Effect of temporal anaerobiosis of germination of young potato tubers. – Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. – Vladikavkaz, 1977. Historical review of Terek region, Stavropol region, Kuban region. Tersky calendar for 1907. – Vladikavkaz: Printing office of Terek regional government, 1907.
Tersky calendar for 1912. – Vladikavkaz: Printing office ofTerek regional government, 1912.
Tersky calendar for 1913. – Vladikavkaz: Printing office ofTerek regional government, 1913. Socialist Ossetia. // Interview with Z.M. Urutskoev – the Director of the Production Enterprise “Olginskoye” of Research Institute of mountain and foothill agriculture. From the domestic seeds to the food safety // Potatoes and vegetables.