The BIOS call collects the Service Tag or Serial Number if available in the industry standard location and makes that number the audited workstation's Workstation ID value. The BIOS call also collects information about the BIOS itself and the manufacturer and model of the machine if available.'
I am wanting to find out how to modify the BIOS to add the pc manufacturer and serial number to it. This is usually done in products by Toshiba, Dell, Compaq, etc. However, the pc's that we purchase are made from a local company. Most of them, if not all, are using the Award bios. I know about the utility MODBIN for Award Bios but I can not find information on how to modify the bios in the exact way to add this information.
Any help is appreciated. ══> Type 1: System Information Struc length is 25 bytes. Struc handle is 0001h. Manufacturer: TOSHIBA. I got this info using smbios.exe. I think that it might have come from the DMI table but I am not that knowledgeable in this area.
We use software called TrackIt! For our computer inventory and their website says it scans a pc during its audit like this: 'Hardware information for the machine is scanned. This includes a call made to the BIOS of the machine through the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service.
Without this service installed, no BIOS information can be read. The BIOS call collects the Service Tag or Serial Number if available in the industry standard location and makes that number the audited workstation's Workstation ID value. The BIOS call also collects information about the BIOS itself and the manufacturer and model of the machine if available.' Since the PC's we purchase do not contain this information when we receive them the inventory becomes a bit ugly as the serial number and other info is not populated.
Japji sahib gurmukhi pdf. 1.69 WILL NOT work with any ThinkPad above a T30! Version 1.69 is available FREE from IBM's FTP site (if it is still there). What the link above could point to is V 1.72 made to look like it is 1.69!!! If the image is in ZIP format, you have to unzip the file and run the exe; this will prompt you to create a DISKETTE. You need a Floppy and a floppy drive before you can run the utility. If this is really version 1.69 it will let you get to all the steps, but when it writes to the EEPROM with the new information it will error out.
Also there are prefixes that must be entered for the data to be valid. Draco2527 wrote:1.69 WILL NOT work with any ThinkPad above a T30! Version 1.69 is available FREE from IBM's FTP site (if it is still there).
If you look at the thread I posted above, the OP Christian was able to use 1.69 successfully on a T40. He gives the procedure in the link.
He wrote: 'you have to type S1 in front of the type/serial number'. I also posted a link to 1.69 above. Yes, I read the posting! I guess we will see what happens when he runs it, it should come up with a red box stating that an error occured.