The mountain farming settlement „Na Zvonici“ stands alone on the southern slope of the town Paseky nad Jizerou, with a view of the western Giant Mountains and neighbouring mountain towns. The family dwelling house is built on the foundations of the original farmhouse, which was one of the first houses to be built in this town. The family of Luboš Waldmann currently lives and farms here. The focus of the farming here is the keeping of Romney sheep. The herd’s main products are stud rams and high-quality organic lamb. The family also provides private lodgings, which are highly popular with visitors to Paseky due to its position. Paseky is the crossroads of several hiking trails to the Giant Mountains and the Jizera Mountains.
For some it is famous as a town with a rich cultural-musical tradition. The local Memorial to the Backwoods Patriots receives many visitors Many know Paseky as a famous ski resort with excellent skiing conditions, both for beginners and for the advanced, suitable for families with children. Around Paseky there is an extensive network of maintained cross-country skiing tracks which link up to the other main cross-country skiing tracks.
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