The problems of bringing up in family in conditions of globalization of the society are discussed in the article. Family is a substantial part of child’s life, that is why family as the institute of education is high important, and none of the educational institutions can be compared with the family in the duration in their influence on the personality. The family may act as both a positive and a negative factor of education. Due to the special educational role of the family, the question arises how to enhance positive and minimize negative influence of the family in the process of child upbringing.
For this reason, it is necessary to define the relations within the family, socio-psychological factors that have educational value. A certain not always realized system of education is objectively formed in every family. We mean the goals of education and the drafting tasks, and more or less consistent application of methods and techniques of education, considering what can and what cannot be allowed for a child. Scientists determined four educational tactics in the family and the corresponding four types of relationships, which are the prerequisite and the result of their appearance: dictatorship, patronizing, «non-interference» and cooperation. The last decades in various sciences and fields of human activity more attention is drawn to globalization. Globalization affects all processes, including the family.
In conditions of the current changes, family is most exposed to its both negative and positive factors. To determine the prospects of the current family transformations, it is reasonable to consider changes of the family in connection with the process of globalization, taking into account the global changes in the world. At present, despite all the difficulties, the family continues to be the main institution of socialization of children even in new socio-economic conditions. Thus, the way parents will be able to adapt to new realities caused by sharp changes in the socio-economic conditions concerning family life will result in carrying out its socializing role as well as its impact on the value orientation of the young generation. Keywords • • globalization of society • • family • • typology of family • • model of family • • the structure of family • • marital family and inter family relations • • family traditions • • family communication • • family upbringing.

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Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories. Buy Pedagogicheskoe nasledie Nadezhdy Konstantinovny Krupskoy i sovremennost. Sbornik statey by Lvova Larisa Semenovna, Lazutova M. (ISBN: 043) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
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