The article reveals the urgency of improving the professional development of internal forces unit commanders and existing contradictions. On the basis of theoretical and empirical research, specifying the psychological essence of professional formation of internal troops units commanders, we determine the content of psychological support of this process on the example of unit commanders on. Vispārīgie principi militārās psiholoģijas, Rašanos un attīstību militārās psiholoģijas. Viedokļi ievērojamu krievu komandieriem (Aleksandrs Suvorovs, Mihails Kutuzovs, Nakhimov, Makarovs, MI Dragomirov) uz psiholoģiskām problēmām militārpersonām operācijās.
Note: The cheats and tricks listed above may not necessarily work with your copy of the game. In this case the possibility of malfunctioning or even damaging the game, which may necessitate reinstalling the game, is particularly high. This is due to the fact that they generally work with a specific version of the game and after updating it or choosing another language they may (although do not have to) stop working or even malfunction. Extra care should be taken with modifications, trainers, and other things that were not created by the game’s developers.
Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences (as a manuscript). Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences (as a manuscript). Specialty: Age and pedagogical psychology. Scientific adviser: Khudik V. Leading Institution: Rostov Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educators. Place of performance: Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering. Specialty: Age and pedagogical psychology.
Scientific adviser: Khudik V. Leading Institution: Rostov Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educators. Place of performance: Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering. As a manuscript. The history of the origin and development of psychological knowledge of military psychology. Periodization of the history of military psychology.
The object, subject and main tasks of military psychology. Methodological principles of military history about the nature and role of mental development. Features of the structure of the nervous system and its impact on the life and activities of military personnel. The concept of mental cognitive processes in the context of military activities.
Emotions and feelings in the context of military activities. Features of moral feelings in a military environment. Brief description of the emotional states of a serviceman (mood, affect, passion). The state of frustration and conditions of occurrence in the military team.
Will and emotional-volitional stability of military personnel. Characteristics of the basic volitional qualities of military personnel and the ways of their formation. The concept of personality in military psychology. Psychological structure of the personality of the serviceman. The role of heredity and environment in the development of the individual soldier. Theoretical approach to understanding the identity of a soldier. The applied nature of the military-psychological understanding of the personality of the serviceman.
Mental properties of the individual and their account in the training and education of military personnel. Mental states of servicemen and their accounting in official activities. Management of mental states of military personnel in specific conditions of service. Management of mental states of military personnel in combat conditions. Psychological methods of studying the personality of the serviceman.
Psychological methods of studying the military team. The main methods of military psychology. The use of sociometric method in the study of the military team. Socio-psychological structure of the military team. Psychology of the military team.