The revision of this text hallmark text on Solar Energy has been done keeping in mind the current scenario in Solar Energy requirements. As a result the book is updated with the energy scenario and the various applications of solar energy being used today.
Instant immersion 36 languages deluxe v30 edgeiso. Numerous new topics comparison tables solved and unsolved problems, have been added and changes have been made to cater to the changing requirements of the students. In all it is the most updated and comprehensive yet concise book on the subject. Features New section on Wind Energy.
Solar Energy: Principles of. Shown in Fig silicon solar air heater solar cell Solar Energy solar pond solar radiation solar.
Coverage on Solar thermal-electric power, Scheffler cooker and Spherical bowl. Applications of Phase change materials and Telecommunication Sheds described. Enhanced coverage on Solar Cells. Discussion on Bio-diesel, and updated info on Biogas and Biomass Gasification.
Pedagogy includes: Solved Examples: 70 Practice Problems:110.
User Review - Renewable Energy is the topic of the day for the industrial sector as much it is for every citizen. Power and water have proved to be key in survival of man. The author while taking us through various stages in this work has presented his expertise and study on the country's capacity of fossil fuel which led to taking to nuclear power. The hazards of nuclear power and bringing to the notice that the importance of disposal of waste ought to be considered before depending on nuclear power.
Environmental hazards have cropped up.Several NGOs in expert reports have submitted concern for it. The result is that Renewable energy is being considered s non hazardous source which requires revival. Soon we will also realise the power of hands when machines run opposer will be replaced by the skill of hands. Man has realised the importance of preserve nature.The work makes the reader aware of that only non destructive sources be adopted which will make studies and inventions hand over to our successors a healthy and prosperous planet.