The Depot is a Run 8 Train Simulator Community providing both public and prototypical servers, route maps, forums and more.
I am new to the Run 8 sim community. I have always loved trains since I was a kid.
In fact I often travelled the “Jasper” route from Vancouver, B.C. To Edmonton in the 60`s when it was more economical than flying.
Canadian National sergeant stripes were branded in my memory as I peered out the trailing picture window watching those FP7 locomotives gracing the curves through the Rocky Mountains as I nibbled on home-made “egg-salad” sandwiches. I can`t divorce those experiences from my childhood memory.This explains my fascination with everything trains over the years. I have come of age. The one area that I would like to learn more about is railroad operations and physics. Run 8 looks like the type of sim that has the potential to offer this. But I also hope to learn something about prototypical railroading and to enjoy the associated community as well. I haven`t purchased Run 8 yet (there purchase station doesn`t seem to accept visa “gift” cards?).
I couldn`t find support on their webpage which led me to here. It`s a pleasure to meet you all and I hope to share some fun “virtual” railroading experiences which conjure up those past pleasant memories if I can sort out how to purchase it online. Cheers Ezra Last edited by Ezra; at 01:47 PM. Hi Ezra, welcome to the addiction of rail simulation. Run 8 is a top-notch rail road simulator that shines in Multiplayer mode and there are several groups that run servers (sessional and 24/7) that may meet your needs. I belong to a group based out of Toronto and NY State called RTS that runs both a California server (all the California routes attach to each other to make one major system) and a Florida server (CSX A-Line).
CSX Selkirk is available too I believe. RTS is a car-forwarding system that makes for realistic operations and some fun learning.
The group is made up of a bunch of relaxed train enthusiasts/gamers from the US, Canada, NZ, Australia, Middle East and Europe. Here is a link to the RTS wikki which you may find helpful Kind regards, DaveS. Welcome Ezra. I always use pre paid Visa gift style cards for my Run 8 purchases and never have had a problem.
You might email them at to see if there is anything on their end they can do to help. Make sure you are trying to purchase it from this site:. I would be suspect of any other outlet. Run 8 is a great sim. The physics are pretty darn accurate and always being improved upon. I believe all the servers have related forums and some of them TeamSpeak connections so that you can get plenty of help.

Once you are able to purchase the sim and download, you should not hesitate to enter any public server and just hang out with those inside running trains. It's a great way to learn. Very, very, very, very important: Any time you make a purchase from Run 8, your download link will only be good for 24 hours. You MUST back up all of those downloads. Those are your installation files and if you ever have to reinstall Run 8, you will need them. I have saved all of my download files as well as all of the email purchase confirmations onto a DVD. I also made a second copy on DVD that I keep off site in case I have a disaster which destroys my home.
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This is very important info right here. Back everything up, this will save you heartache and headache in the future. Also, after your purchase and installation, make sure you download and install the upgrades/updates. If you wish to join a server you will likely need all of the default add on train set packs or you will not be able to join. Your version must match the servers version with updates and rolling stock or you will not be able to join. When it comes to the Amtrak add on, make sure after you install that one that you install the updates again to fix a sound file problem or you will get a crash every time you try to load a P42. That's enough rambling for now.
Good luck with the purchase and enjoy when you finally have it. Feel free to ask for help anytime. Thanks for the plug Dave I'm actually based out of St. Catharines, ON (California Server) and I'm not sure where Tom has Florida set up. Doug has lots of great advice above.
Especially the one about not being afraid to enter any public server and hang out. Don't be afraid to apply to some of the private ones either as there is lots of good stuff out there to be found. The physics are certainly spot on according to some railroaders on my server and others.
There are tweaks here and there as mentioned, but you won't find another sim imho anywhere closer. To be honest for me the physics aren't what got me into Run8 (it was just icing on the cake). It was the operations potential.