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Let's make an ESP8266 module that is simple, breadboard friendly and user friendly. If you already have an ESP-01 module, take the EXP8266 microcontroller and some other components from that old ESP01 module. Practically all you need to buy is a breadboard adapter for the microcontroller, 5 of them cost only 2 $ at eBay, search for a QFN32 to DIP32 adapter. You can easily solder and desolder SMD components (surface mount devices) with an ordinary hot air gun or even with a kitchen teflon frying pan. You don't need any sophisticated equipment for that. And a soldering iron, some soldering and flux you probably already have.
As a Hello World test and as a demonstration of our ESP-DIY module we use a simple LED blink program that may already be familiar to you from the Arduino IDE world. The ESP-DIY module we make on this video is far more versatile than any of the factory made ESP modules: - All the GPIOs are now accessible to you, including GPIO-pins GPIO9 and GPIO10. Click 'Show More' -------------------------------------- How to remove smd chip without hot air gun or specialist tools and equipment. The chip is about 1/4 the size of a 1 penny its no bigger than a screw that holds the panel closed on a pc, check out the photo at the end of the video. Thanks for watching, If you liked my videos and would like to Thank me you can make a donation @ or click the Show Your Support link, on are channel page and if you use bitcoins you can send us some bitcoins to 1MFGvF7NPaXC7RU5Trwo8z1dUbuowcuw5D Thanks for you support. EZP2013 Update from EZP2010 high-speed USB SPI Programmer 24 25 93 EEPROM 25 flash bios chip support WIN7 WIN8 Welcome to another video from Wifi Marketing Solutions.
In this video, we will copy router flash chip without computer We use EZP2010 high-speed USB SPI Programmer that support 24 25 93 EEPROM 25 flash bios chip to copy my 25 flash chips The programmer comes with software but never mind, we donot have to install that software EZP2010 can automatic offline copy from one chip to another with original chip below It powered using 5v adapter connect to programmer via USB cable To flash my SOP8 chips, I have adapter and using jumper cable to connect it to programmer. For the chip, I can use some double clip to hold.
It is not easy the first time but we can do it Now I have both source and destination chips clipped to adapters And we will place them to programmer, source chip below and destination above We will plug both chips to programmer now In next video I will stick those jumper cables together so it is easy to plugin Final step is to power the programmer Power led is red and we have green run led Wait until green led is off, your original chip is copied to destination one. With this simple New Professional SOIC8 SOP8 Flash Chip for IC Test Clips Socket Adpter BIOS/24/25/93 Programmer you can Reading NAND flash chips without removing them This item for sop8 chip,such as 25c, 24c, 93c and so on. How to use EEPROM Flash Programmer CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: AVR series, single-chip, high speed programming PIC series 8-bit micro controller programming High-performance BIOS programme Serial 24 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 93 series programming Supports WIN2000 / WINXP / WIN2003 / WIN2008 / VISTA / Windows7 This video is designed to be a guide. Please note that other complications may exist that aren't addressed in this guide.
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