FBE is FREE electricity, which is deemed sufficient to provide basic electricity services to selected meters to assist in the household. This amount of electricity is deemed enough to provide basic water heating using a kettle, basic ironing, and power for a small television set and radio. What is Government policy regarding free basic services?
In 2000, Government announced its intent to provide free basic services to households. In this regard, various services including energy were identified as basic services to be supported by Government’s programs with respect to these households. Access to basic energy and other basic resources have a significant role to play in enhancing the well-being of consumers.
Cokolevka importnih kineskopov cvetnogo izobrazheniya. The government’s intention is to provide support by facilitating the provision of free basic services, namely free basic water and electricity services for all qualifying households/consumers. It must be emphasized, however, that qualifying consumers will pay for any consumption over the set free basic service level. What amount of electricity will be considered as free basic electricity?
The proposed levels of service are between 25kWh – 60kWh per household per month for qualifying meters or households. This varies for the different municipalities on how much free electricity they provide for their different tariffs.
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Who is supposed to get the free basic electricity per month? All qualifying households/consumers with an electricity meter that the municipality has set to get FBE.
What happens if I have used up my FBE units? Extra units will have to be bought at a FLASH trader and will be charged at respective municipality tariffs.
When can I collect my FBE? FBE is available on the 1st of every month and will be valid for one month only. Units will not accumulate to the next month (claim it or loose it). You can claim your FBE units by dialing *130*269# free call on your mobile phone.