Author: Averil Leimon ISBN: Genre: Psychology File Size: 33.99 MB Format: PDF, ePub Download: 109 Read: 554 Why do some people achieve greater success and happiness than others? The key is positive psychology. For most of its history, psychology has focused mainly on the darker side of human behaviour - depression, anxiety, psychosis and psychopathic behaviour. In 1998, Martin Seligman became president of the American Psychological Association and inspired a movement to focus on the positives in human behaviour. Positive Psychology For Dummies: Taps into the burgeoning media focus on happiness and positive mental attitude Provides key information on the origins, theory, methods, practitioners and results of positive psychology Demonstrates how to understand what makes you tick, how to hone positive emotions and how to use positive philosophy for success in both your personal and working lives.
Is perfect for a wide audience, from those wanting to get more out of their life, to psychology students or counsellors About the author Gladeana McMahon is co-author of Performance Coaching For Dummies. She is regarded as one of the UK’s top ten coaches. Averil Leimon is co-author of Performance Coaching For Dummies. She is a business psychologist and a leading UK leadership coach. Category: Psychology. Author: Jeni Purdie ISBN: 074 Genre: Self-Help File Size: 89.27 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Docs Download: 278 Read: 709 Become a life coach-for yourself and others-with this practical, informative guide If you're interested in doing away with negative beliefs, making a significant change in your life, and, finally, create-and live-the life you want, life coaching is the key. In this practical introduction, you will learn the empowering techniques essential to life coaching-including putting together an action plan, getting your priorities straight, staying focused, defining true success, overcoming common obstacles, and coaching yourself to happiness.
With more information than ever before, this new updated edition includes material on emotional intelligence and active listening With insights on what to expect from life coaching and how to develop your own life coaching techniques, the book offers sound advice on what it takes to become a professional life coach. If you simply want to create more balance in your life, become more productive, and enjoy a more fulfilling existence, Life Coaching For Dummies holds the answer. Category: Self-Help. Plejlist m3u dlya iptv belarusj. Author: Shane J. Lopez ISBN: 929 Genre: Psychology File Size: 35.22 MB Format: PDF Download: 212 Read: 893 Positive psychology, the pursuit of understanding optimal human functioning, is reshaping the scholarly and public views of how we see the science of psychology. Oh my baby girl tamil song download 2017.