Khyatee GSM Wireless The 'KHYATEE GSM WIRELESS MOTOR MANGEMENT' is intelligent and flexible motor management system. It offers comprehensive motor management including extensive protection, monitoring and control functions. With easy to use operation and on-site diagnostic data helps us to carry out predictive maintenance and GSM Technology based operations.
Khyatee - Leading manufacturing of Mobile starters, GSM Starters, Mobile Motor Starter, Remote for Motor, SMS Starter, Miss Call Starter from Pune India. So a SMS/Mobile or GSM based motor starter is very useful for remote operation of the pump motors. A GSM/SMS/Mobile motor starter controller works irrespective of the motor capacity as it has to opearte the main contactor of the motor. The main contactor of the motor is operated through an auxilliary relay.
Technology This has Dual core microcontroller and GSM SIM based technology which is unique, reliable, and cost effective and continues to monitors all parameter and applications simultaneously at all the time and there is no delay in any fault condition detection, monitoring and providing safety. Mobile Phone and SIM Based Operations This product is very unique as you can three modes to operate.
Use switches given on the unit 2. Dial the GSM SIM card inserted in the unit and use voice interactive service. By sending SMS to unit to do /set all the parameters. Khyatee M4 DISPLAY SIM uses activated SIM card from any GSM service provider which communicate with server or any mobile phone. For example system is installed and connected to motor than it continuously monitors/ protects every activity of motor at site and sends all data to the web server / website or any mobile phone by SMS on real time basis. Protections This has VOLTAGE SENSING technology so motor is protected up to STARTER terminals. Phase failure / loss from supply side.
Phase reversal / wrong phase sequence from supply side. Phase to phase voltage unbalance.
Electronic overload ( site selectable). Remote sensing dry run / No load current ( site selectable). Extreme high current (EHC) or short circuit more than 24 amps. Control Settings PUMP CURRENT SETTING is easy, accurate, auto setting type, with digital display. Pump current setting can be done through SMS, Mobile phone & onsite.
Easy tv capture ntsc drivers windows 7 download. Screenshot from Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 EasyCAP drivers working in Windows 10 connected using the RCA output of the EasyCAP device. Manufacturer and Provider: • eMPIA Technology Hardware IDs: • USB/VID_EB1A&PID_2861&REV_0100&MI=00 • USB/VID_EB1A&PID_2861&MI=00 Below is a link to the Windows 7 drivers that were compatible with my EasyCAP device and further down a list of other EasyCAP drivers you can try.
Overload is site selectable from 20 to 50% of set current. Shkali priborov vaz 2106 cena. Dry run setting from 75 to 95%. Dry run bypass facility by SMS / PHONE. Site selectable Auto / Manual operation switch. Monitoring Calibrated Digital Voltmeter with ± 2V Accuracy.
( Data by SMS ). Calibrated Digital Ammeter ± 0.2Amp Accuracy. ( Data by SMS ) Display Shows the all settable range and trip current value of set parameter online. Digital display for fault value at tripping. ( Data by SMS only). Inbuilt memory to show last setting value ( Data by SMS only ) On site AUTO FAULT DETECT (AFT) for AC voltage, LEDS, Display, Relay, etc.
Timers Site settable auto start timer for power failure (3-300 secs) and SPP faults from supply side. Site settable star delta timer (3-30 secs.). Time delay to filter power on spikes and surges. Additional Features Suitable for DOL, Star-Delta Starters.
4 Digit Password protected operation. Talks verbal information in required language. Works on wide voltage supply (225 to 500 V). Facility to check network communication between GSM SIM and dialer phone. No call charges when power is absent. Auto call disconnect facility to save call charges. Motor ON and OFF switch on unit.
Switch for Easy bypass and network checking. SMS Facility Most unique facility of this product is all following many things can be done or much information can be received by SMSto 4 predefined mobile phone numbers in the unit. To register the data recipients number just send SMS to unit and now you can do all following things Send SMS To add 4 phone number of data recipient.