I really liked this book. Here are some of my favorite quotes- 47- It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. -Epictetus 49- Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned. -Gautama Buddha 94- Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment. -Lao Tzu 140- Logic will get you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere. -Albert Einstein 141- Everything is possible for the person who believ I really liked this book. Here are some of my favorite quotes- 47- It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. -Epictetus 49- Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned. -Gautama Buddha 94- Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment. -Lao Tzu 140- Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
-Albert Einstein 141- Everything is possible for the person who believes. -Jesus, Mark 9:23 160- It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving. -Mother Teresa 162- Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. -Albert Schweitzer 177- Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high the offense cannot reach it. Protek 9205 service manual. -Rene Descartes 178- Your own soul is nourished when you are king; it is destroyed when you are cruel. -King Solomon, Proverbs 11:17.
Byrne proves there are suckers born every minute – and they buy lots of her books. She is the Jimmy Swaggart of literature.
Now Rhonda Byrne reveals the greatest power in the universe—The Power to have anything you want. In this book you will come to understand that all it takes is just one thing to change your relationships, money, health, happiness, career, and your entire life.
She refuses to give interviews. I would too, if I were her. She has nothing to say.
Interviewing her would be like watching Barbie think. The world is lost in a sea of love and light. The Desperati spend billions every year on The Secret and its clones. Visualisation is lovely, but these authors confuse positive thinking with positive action.
You can think as much as you li Byrne proves there are suckers born every minute – and they buy lots of her books. She is the Jimmy Swaggart of literature. She refuses to give interviews. I would too, if I were her.
She has nothing to say. Interviewing her would be like watching Barbie think. The world is lost in a sea of love and light. The Desperati spend billions every year on The Secret and its clones. Visualisation is lovely, but these authors confuse positive thinking with positive action.
You can think as much as you like. Nothing will happen unless you do something along with the thinking. Books like these repeat that we get what we deserve. It follows therefore, that you deserve to be poor, or unemployed or sick. The universe has spoken.

I’m tired of these SHAM (Self Help Alternative Medicine) gurus. They harm more than they help.
Dying people need support and love, not ridiculous expectations of miracle cures. Poor people need jobs not gibberish about the law of attraction. If this nonsense worked, there would be no sick people and we would all be rolling in money. At least the millions of those who have bought her book would be. Byrne repeats herself, and writes badly.
I particularly enjoyed her babbling on about how people “once lived for hundreds and hundreds of years.” Her references are “ancient texts”. Apparently we no longer do this because, “People changed what they believed.” I recommend a healthy dose of common sense and the application of the power of reason for Byrne and her readers. Amanda Patterson. I was really in need to read some motivational books, and this book was a good choice ^^ here some quotes: 1. 'Life is supposed to be fun! When you're having fun, you feel great and you receive great things!