Hardware ID: 0x051D0001 RIM BlackBerry Device. Write protection table Start Block End Block HW Partition Write Protect Type. How to: Crack a program (Bypass HWID Authentication) Ampix0. Unsubscribe from Ampix0? How To Crack A Software Using Ollydbg 2017 Latest - Duration: 7:37.
When i cracked a crappy hack with HWID protection i didn't even needed to use Olly or IDA. This, to inform you there are many ways to crack HWID without a debugger. If the auth is based on HWID to generate a decryption key using secure algorithms aside from faking your HWID, I don't see any expeditious way to crack it, that is assuming you are on a different computer than the one the binary was signed for.

Think taking a SHA 512 hash and using that to generate a nice AES 256 key. Wrong turn 5 bagno di sangue ita download games. Continuing on, I don't see why you wouldn't employ a code checksum to also generate further decryption keys. You could also use the status of the flags register, or rdtsc, or any number of methods to help in debugger detection. These feed into your algorithm to generate additional decrypt keys each step along the way. One example would be registering your own exception handler. Naturally you should make certain your handler is the at the top.
Otherwise you're being debugged and that should affect code flow or key generation. Use ideas like these.
Lastly, if you absolutely must, compile your code in another architecture and write a VM to support that. You may want to move opcodes around. Again making certain to employ integrity checks, and the like. Notwav is offline. Yes, can you explain some ways to fix this issue?
Maybe, ways to secure this further. And nice job btw. Send the hardware id to a server which compares them and sends back the hack module or some other data the hack needs to work. Should work if the person cracking doesn't know which hwid he should send or what the client should receive. Very simple solution though. Can easily be gotten past if the person cracking it has access to the cheat.
Clientside checks like such as if(hwid = 325878923) are inefficient and dumb. Send the hardware id to a server which compares them and sends back the hack module or some other data the hack needs to work. Should work if the person cracking doesn't know which hwid he should send or what the client should receive. Very simple solution though. Can easily be gotten past if the person cracking it has access to the cheat.
Clientside checks like such as if(hwid = 325878923) are inefficient and dumb So I should have this communicate with the server to get its information, and maybe have a key that is needed to be usable. But combining this method with a client(loader) and it should work decently well correct?