Calculates the design heating and cooling loads and associated psychrometrics for air conditioning plant in buildings. CAMEL is one of the leading air conditioning load estimation programs used in Australia and New Zealand. The calculations are based on the AIRAH/IHRACE Application Manual DA9 'Air Conditioning Systems, Load Estimation & Psychrometrics' which incorporates the cooling load estimation techniques and data developed by the Carrier International Corporation with considerable extensions and refinements to these methods and data, developed by ACADS-BSG. It models buildings in the Southern and Northern Hemisphere. CAMEL models a range of system types including CV Heating and Cooling, CV Face and Bypass VAV with and without reheat, RC Heat Pumps and Evaporative Coolers and each AHU can serve a number of zones which can in turn have a number of rooms. Plant fresh air quantities can be calculated in accordance with AS1668.
The geometric details of the building including shading schemes and the internal people, lights and equipment loads. A large selection list of walls and roofs is available with pre-calculated U values and surface densities. Monthly design data for over 700 locations in Australia is stored in the program and locations for other countries are also available. Design conditions based on 3pm summer design conditions, daily range and yearly range for any other location can also be entered. Graphical displays are provided for schedules, shading schemes and for each external wall or roof as it is entered providing a convenient visual check for the user. Buttons on the toolbar and special keys allow the user to copy individual values, columns of data or complete screens from zone to zone and there is a facility for making global changes. Comprehensive range and data checking is provided on all input items and a comprehensive consistency check is made on the data entered.
Comprehensive help is provided on all input items.
Feb 13, 2008 - CAMEL computer program is an air conditioning load estimation program that calculates the design heating and cooling loads for air. Calculates the design heating and cooling loads and associated psychrometrics for air conditioning plant in buildings. CAMEL is one of the leading air conditioning load estimation programs used in Australia and New Zealand. The calculations are based on the AIRAH/IHRACE Application Manual DA9 'Air Conditioning Systems, Load Estimation & Psychrometrics' which incorporates the.
Software product servicing from includes technical support on all programs with advice on use, methods, data and applications of programs. These software product services also provide assistance with computer modeling for specific projects and also provide training in the use and application of programs in seminars and workshops. Software product servicing also provides tailored in-house workshops whenever required. Other software product services from ACADS-BSG include on-going maintenance and enhancement of programs and updating of latest developments in air conditioning and computing industries. Air conditioning load estimation services from ACADS-BSG include programs such as CAMEL, KAOLA, TEMPER, PMV and PSYCHRO. CAMEL computer program is an air conditioning load estimation program that calculates the design heating and cooling loads for air conditioning plants in buildings. This computer program models a wide range of systems like constant volume heating and cooling and constant volume face and bypass.
Other program models include VAV with and without reheat, reverse cycle heat pumps and evaporative coolers. KOALA is another program from ACADS-BSG that estimates air conditioning load in small buildings. This computer program is made for designers and contractors where they can enter their own design conditions. TEMPER is yet another computer program from ACADS-BSG that calculates the sensible and latent air conditioning heating and cooling loads for indoor air temperature and humidity. PSYCHRO computer program is an ACADS-BSG program which computes thermodynamic properties of moist air at any atmospheric pressure.